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Dr. Markus Biesinger Value Creation in Private Equity in Emerging Markets
Dr. Jianan He Factors explaining market reactions during corporate, sovereign, and pandemic events
Dr. Nicolas Schreiber Information Flow in Capital Markets – Novel empirical evidence on information processing in financial markets and the role of behavioral biases
Dr. Historei Bariz From Shareholder to Stakeholder Captalism: Value Creation by Board Composition, Ownership Structure and Information Disclosure
Dr. Christian Flore Essays on financial market aspects of corporate lawsuits and investor sentiment in stock markets
Dr. Eduard Gaar
Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning – A Capital Market
Based View
Dr. Timo Johnson Performance Drivers of Digital Ventures: Novel Empirical Evidence from Start-up Financing, Digital Platform Technologies and Venture Capital Investor Syndication
Dr. Thomas Kaiser (vorm. Pohlner) Liquiditätsrisikomanagement aus Sicht externer Stakeholder: Evolution der Regulatorik, empirische Analyse der Berichterstattung, Approximation der NSFR, sowie Evidenz positiver Effekte der Berichterstattung auf Basis von Ereignisstudien
Dr. Birgit Müller Three Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing in International Equity Markets
Dr. Valentin Peter Bond Defaults and Bond Restructuring in Germany
Dr. Boris Pielkanitis Qualität in der digitalen Finanzberatung
Dr. Meriem Tazir Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung und Wertschöpfung. Identifikation wertschöpfender Parameter der nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung bei kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
Dr. Oliver Thiem Effizienz der deutschen Sparkassen in Zeiten von Niedrigzins und Digitaler Transformation
Dr. Julia Zettler Kundenbindung in der Finanzindustrie – Ein empirischer Ansatz
Dr. Ludwig Erl Structure, motives, and performance effects of divestitures
Dr. David Häfner Essays in Real Estate Corporate Finance
Dr. Martin Sternal Merger and Acquisitions by Digital Technology Giants: Three Perspectives on Value Creation
Dr. Binjam Berhane Der Erfolg von Mergers & Acquisitions mit afrikanischen Zielunternehmen
Dr. Marc Berninger Ausgestaltung und Enforcement in der Finanzberichterstattung – eine rechtliche und empirische Analyse zur Marktakzeptanz
Dr. Florian Manz Non-Performing Loans: Determinants – Default – Divestiture
Dr. Christian Wieber Der Erfolg von Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen in der internationalen Pharmaindustrie
Dr. Demir Bektic Factor-based Portfolio Management with Corporate Bonds
Dr. Britta Hachenberg Security Pricing in Reaction to Changes in Investor Attitudes, Governance and Regulation
Dr. Thai Ton Investor Sentiment and Attention in Capital Markets – A (Social) Media Perspective
Dr. Christopher Welkoborsky Auswirkungen gesetzlicher Neuerungen und politischer Unsicherheit auf die Energiewirtschaft: Eine Untersuchung aus Kapitalmarktsicht
Dr. Ulrich Erxleben Value Creation of Corporate Restructuring: A Market Cycle and Industry View
Dr. Dennis Froneberg Bank Governance Structures and Risk Taking
Dr. Sascha Kolaric Bank mergers and aquisitions in the Asia-Pacific region: An investigation of the shareholder wealth effects of the financial sector consolidation and its impact on the acquirer's cost of debt.
Dr. Daniel Maul Analyzing Wealth Efects for Bondholders: New Insight on Major Corporate Events from the Debtholders' Perspective
Dr. Claudia Max Valuation and Value Creation of Insurance Intermediaries
Dr. Thomas Pöppe Information Asymmetry and Information Dissemination in High-Frequency Capital Markets
Dr. Heiko Schön Pharma M&A versus alliances and its underlying value drivers. Ar M&A or alliances the right therapy for an ailing pharmaceutical industry? A capital market perspective
Dr. Christian Babl E-mobility and related clean technologies from an empirical corporate finance perspective: State of economic research, sourcing risks, and capital market perception
Dr. Robert Fraunhoffer Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector: The Impact of Synergy Disclosures on Shareholder Wealth and Operating Performance
Dr. Julian Trillig Economic Sustainable Development and Capital Market Perception
Dr. Christoph Böhm Risk-Adjusted Performance and Bank Governance Structures
Dr. Anit Deb Performance of Structured Finance: Capital Market Perception of Structured Finance in the Financial Crisis
Dr. Christoph Ettenhuber Financing Corporate Growth in the Renewable Energy Industry
Dr. Ramit Mehta Mergers and Aquisition in the Global Brewing Industry – A Capital Market Perspective
Dr. Steffen Meinshausen M&A Activity, Divestitures and Initial Public Offerings in the Fashion Industry
Dr. Mehtap Ölger Capital Market Integration and Single Market Reactions to Corporate and Macroeconomic News
Dr. Malte Raudszus Financial Return Risk and the Effect on Shareholder Wealth